# Withdraw
A user can transfer cryptocurrency (for example, BTC) from their Waves account to an address on external blockchain. To do this, the app completes the following steps:
- Get an access token that represents user's permission to access data. See the Access Token article for more information.
- Call the GET /v1/withdraw/addresses/{currency}/{address}/{platform} method and specify the token in
HTTP header.
This method returns Waves address. When user transfers some amount of cryptocurrency to this address, their address on external blockchain receives the amount less fee. The fee calculation is described in Terms of Withdrawal article.
Important: You can withdraw some tokens to multiple different platforms. For example, XTN token is supported by ETH and BSC platforms. Use GET /v1/withdraw/addresses/{currency}/{address}/{platform} method to specify the desired platform, otherwise the default platform of the selected token will be used.
# Get Terms of Withdrawal
- To get a list of currencies along with terms of withdrawal for each currency use the GET /v1/withdraw/currencies method.
- To get terms of withdrawal for a given currency and platform use the GET /v1/withdraw/currencies/{currency}/{platform} method.
Both methods are public and do not require access token.